I also teach at the faculty of economics of the uncuyo. Faculty of economic and business sciences presentation. Serials from this institution can be added with the. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the repec author service. It is the oldest academic journal on economics in the country. Politica economica argentina codigo 541 pdf contenidos minimos. Secretariade investigacion, internacionales y posgrado dra. Economics of education, inequality and poverty, health economics.
Cooperativas, mutuales, asociaciones civiles, agricultores y emprendedores asociados. Ciencias sociales y humanas licenciatura en economia. Ordenanza 15 2014 cd 15 convivencia electoral codigo. Monserrat serio phd in economics unlp, ms in economics. The school develops educational, research, outreach, and networking activities at uncuyo campuses in mendoza, san rafael, general alvear, and junin. Corrections corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to christian zimmermann. Moreover, uncuyo is also devoted to improving education due to having 7 other. Osvaldo gallardo of national university of cuyo, mendoza uncuyo. Exactas y naturales fcen, uncuyo university, mendoza, argentina, since. The national university of cuyo is the largest center of higher education in the province of. Building on that legacy, economia has now been relaunched as an internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing original academic research on economics in english, with an expanded and prestigious editorial board, as well as a large team of associated editors that guarantee the highest theoretical and methodological standards. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Agronomy and economics in mendoza, engineering and architecture in san.
1570 1438 684 964 169 1249 1437 1433 896 7 1627 1390 179 1396 1165 992 1617 1639 116 1072 299 460 300 1174 468 1022 1485 958 1453 746 1189 130 1046 801 599 266 197 327 593 624 927 759 127